Pativtsëmë - The town of Pativtsëmë has long been a favorite summer tourist destination for many Europeans, but as the regular tourist season approaches there is a stark difference this year.
As 58-year-old hotel owner, Iust́inâne Ḱonst́ant́inovi, puts it, "My reservation book is nearly empty. In the past I would be telling folks, 'No I'm sorry we have no rooms for you,' but now I can hardly give rooms away. The situation is not good."
"There is no war in Agausia. It is safe for families and people of all ages. The airports are in operation and the ferries move on schedule." Begged 89-year-old cafe owner Šrošana Durgali, in a passionate plea when questioned by our reporter.
Basili Nalalevi (PD), MP from Borani Region's 3rd district, has been critical of the government's lack of response in aiding business owners who are suffering due to the drop in tourism.
(Agausian Translation)
Kalaki Pativtsëmë didi kanâ mravali evroṕelistvis saḱvareli sazapkulo t́urist́é aǵilâ, magram regularé t́urist́é sezonis mókloebastan ertad, tsëls ašḱara ganskvavebaa.
Rogortsëâ 58 tsëlis sast́umros mplobeli, Iust́inâne Ḱonst́ant́inovi ambobs, „Čemi dažavšnis tsëgni titkmis tsëarëlâ. Tsëarsulši kalks veubnebodi: „ara, vtsëkvar, rom tkventvis otaki ar gvakvs“, magram akla šemižlâ. Otakebs titkmis ar ažleven. Mǵomareoba ar aris sakarbëlo“.
"Agûzâši omi ar aris. Ûsaprtkó ožakebistvis da ḱvela asaḱis adamânistvis. Éroṕort́ebi punktsënirebs da bornebi možraoben grapiḱis mikedvit." Ekvetsëboda 89 tsëlis ḱapes meṕat́rone Šrošana Durgali, vnebânad vedrebaši, rotsëâ čveni reṕort́ioris mër daḱitké iḱo.
Boranis me-3 olkis deṕut́at́i Basili Nalalevi (PD), aḱrit́iḱebs mtavrobis ûṕasukho reaktsës biznesis mplobelebis dasakhmareblad, romlebitsë zaraldebân t́urizmis šemtsërebis gamo.
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