Sunday, November 20, 2022

First lady commemorates opening of Agausia's first pediatric cancer center

 Author: Aṕora Beliḱë 

Tamara - On Saturday the Agausian first lady celebrated the scheduled opening of Agausia's first pediatric cancer center in the capital city of Tamara. The Ḱedaris Mother and Child Health and Research Institute began construction on their pediatric cancer facility back in October 2019. It was originally expected to be finished in late 2021, but an expansion of the facility delayed its original opening date. The center has a capacity of serving over 100 patients and is likely to attract patients from all over the country and even young patients fleeing regional instability. In the months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine Agausia has welcomed several refugees from Ukraine who have been in need of cancer treatment, this has included a number of children. 

The first lady, accompanied by Health Minister Emin Dančevi and director of the Ḱedaris Institute Mehmed Podori, attended a ceremony just before the opening date, which is on Monday. This marked a rare public outing for Narâ Mendeli, who is rarely seen at official public events. In a short speech to attendees the first lady hailed the work that the doctors will do once the facility opens. She also praised the work already being done by the Ḱedaris Institute, which operates facilities in Tamara, Romda and Tavšesapari. In the past parents seeking cancer treatment for their children would have to look outside of the country. Many parents sought care in Russia, Romania, Turkey and The Czech Republic.  

Agausia is also hoping to attract talent from abroad and the Ḱedaris Institute has already hired several foreign doctors to head several departments at the new pediatric center. "We have the potential to do some great work here and I am grateful that we have been able to gather some of the best minds and they are dedicated to giving quality care to the Agausian people." Mehmed Podori said to reporters as the event was coming to a close.