Tamara - Two times this year Agausians will go to the polls to elect a new government. In August Agausians will vote for president and in November for all 145 seats of parliament.
With only five months left until the presidential election what do the current opinion polls tell us? It appears that incumbent president, Simon Aioviḱara (SD), will be forced into a runoff. Aioviḱara will most likely face Nikolâ Ḱasrâni (AL) in the September runoff.
Parliament elections will not be held for eight months, but already things are heating up. The sweeping and controversial 2019 electoral reform amendment was deemed constitutional, and therefore will be in effect in this election cycle.
If parliamentary elections were held today only six party are sure to win seats; The Social Democratic Party, the Agausian Liberal Party, the United Alliance, the Farmer's and Green's Union, and the Progressive Democratic Party. The New Socialists, Conservatives, and the Christian Democrats (who haven't been in parliament since 2014) might gather enough votes to secure seats.
(Agausian Translation)
Tsëls oržer Agûselebi mivlen arčevnebze akali mtavrobis asarčevad. Agvist́oši Agûsielebi ḱenčs mistsëmen ṕrezident́s, Noemberši ḱi ṕarlament́is 145-ve aǵils.
Saṕrezident́o arčevnebamde sul raǵats kuti tve darča, ras gveubneba amžamindeli gamoḱitkvebi? Rogortsëâ čans, mokmedi ṕrezident́i, Simon Aioviḱara (SD), ižulebé gakdeba meore t́urši gasuliḱo. Aioviḱara, savarûdod, Nikolâ Ḱasrâni (AL) Sekt́embris meore t́urši šekvdeba.
Partomasšt́abâni da saḱamato 2019 tsëlis saarčevno reṕort́is tsëvlileba ḱonst́it́utsëurad ikna mične da, šesabamisad, amoḱmedeba am saarčevno tsëiḱlis ganmavlobaši.
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