Thursday, April 28, 2022

Deputy Minister and MPs travel to Georgia port


Author: Ǵmova Dalbraze

Tamara - Deputy ministry of economy, infrastructure and development, Darasali Amotsëana (SD), along with several MPs from the committee for economy, budget and finance will be traveling to the Georgian port city of Poti to inaugurate a series of new trade deals.

With trade and travel in the Black Sea more risky, due to the increased naval presence, Agausian officials have begun to rely on new trade routes. In early March officials in Tamara announced that they had intended to increase exports via the Poti Sea Port by at least 18%. 

 During their visit Amotsëana and the MPs toured the port then spoke to reporters as they were greeted by Georgian officials. Both parties welcomed the warm relations, given the current regional crisis.  
Agausian Translation 

Eḱonomiḱis, inprast́rukt́urisa da ganvitarebis minist́ris móǵile Darasali Amotsëëana (SD), eḱonomiḱis, biužet́isa da pinansta ḱomit́et́is ramdenime deṕut́at́tan ertad gémgzavreba Gruzâs saṕort́o kalak Potsëhi akali savačro garigebebis serës inûguratsës miznit.

Imis gamo, rom šav zǵvaši vačroba da mogzûroba ûpro sarisḱó, sazǵvao žalebis gazrdili ḱopnis gamo, Agûsis opitsëâlurma ṕirebma daitsëḱes akali savačro gzebis daḱrdnoba. Mart́is dasatsëḱisši Tamaras opitsëâlurma ṕirebma ganatsëkades, rom aṕirebdnen eksṕort́is gazrdas Potis sazǵvao ṕort́is gavlit minimum 18%-it. 

Vizit́is dros Amotsëana  da deṕut́at́ebma ṕort́i daatvalëres, šemdeg ḱi žurnalist́ebs esûbrnen, rodesatsë mat Gruzâ opitsëâluri ṕirebi dakvdnen. Orive mkare mësalma tbil ûrtërtobebs arsebé regioné ḱrizisis gatvalistsëinebit. 



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