Author: Valent́ina Bonḱa
Mšbuḱâ - A mining accident in the small village of Ûrnḱi has resulted in the death of two mine workers, and one worker remains missing. The village sits in the heart of the coal rich Msoplios Met́ûri mountain range, which is also a region prone to mining accidents.
Over the past five years the Ǵrubeli Region has reported twelve mine accidents, and a total of 48 deaths. In 2018 the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Food Policy opened an investigation into how the government and local governing agencies were maintaining and running mines in the region. The investigation appears to be ongoing.
The latest accident has now claimed two more lives. Serkio Dalžbraze and Oleks Ṕoloviči lost their lives in the Ûrnḱi mine. One miner is still reported to be missing. Local officials report that rescue efforts are ongoing in order to try to save Evgahn Nëmet. This is a developing story.
(Agausian Translation)
Maǵaroši momkdari ûbeduri šemtkvevis šedegad, sopel Ûrnḱiši, ori maǵaroeli muša daiǵuṕa, erti ḱi daḱargulad itvleba. Sopeli mdebareobs kvanakširit mdidari Msoplios Met́ûri kedis šuagulši, romelitsëâ aseve aris regioni, romelitsë midreḱilâ samto ûbeduri šemtkvevebisḱen.
Bolo kuti tsëlis ganmavlobaši Ǵrubeli raionši dapiksirda tormet́i maǵaroši avarâ da sul 48 daiǵuṕa. 2018 tsëls soplis meurneobis, garemos datsëvisa da sursatis ṕolit́iḱis saminist́rom daitsëḱo gamožëba imis taobaze, tu rogor atsë'armoebdnen mtavroba da aǵilobrivi mmartvelobis organoebi maǵaroebs regionši. Gamožëba, rogortsë čans, grželdeba.
Bolo avarâs akla ḱidev ori adamânis sitsëtsëkle emskverṕla. Serkio dalžbraze da Oleks Ṕoloviči sitsëtsëkle Ûrnḱi maǵaroši daḱarges. Erti maǵaroeli am dromde daḱargulad itvleba. aǵilobrivi opitsëaluri ṕirebi atsëkadeben, rom samašvelo samušaoebi grželdeba Evgahn Nëmet gadarčenis miznit. Es aris ganvitarebadi ambavi.
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