Author: Arâna Ṕirasḱi
Tamara - On Friday the Ministry of Internal affairs, regional development, tourism, and local economies is set to release a report on the state of the economy, including a snapshot of Agausia's tourism sector. In May it was reported that the tourism industry in Agausia was struggling due to the war in neighboring Ukraine, but as the war stretches on the likelihood of it spilling over to other countries begins to look less likely - or at least that seems to be the opinion of some in Europe.
Preliminary reports seem to indicate that Agausia's tourism industry is somewhat on the mend. The town of Gašǵagra has seen an uptick in the number of tourists starting in late June reported Darâ Marâ Ǵeši, owner of Bebâs Samzareulo Zǵvaze a local restaurant and bar. "It is not the same as before the war, but at least I have customers walking through my door and for that I thank God" Mrs. Ǵeši told our reporter.
Peak tourism season runs June through August, and in past years Agausia has welcomed up to five million tourists. The report due on Friday will be the first extensive look at Agausia's economic performance since the war in Ukraine began. The minority government is surely holding its breath and hoping for good news as criticism of Nebisḱopa's government continues.
(Agausian Translation)
Ṕarasḱevs šinagan sakmeta, regioné ganvitarebis, t́urizmisa da aǵilobrivi eḱonomiḱis saminist́ro gamókveḱnebs moksenebas eḱonomiḱis mǵomareobis šesakheb, mat šoris Agûsës t́urist́é sekt́oris ḱadrs. Maisši gavrtsëlda inpormatsëâ, rom Agûzâši t́urizmis indust́râ mezobel Ûḱrainaši omis gamo ibržoda, magram raǵan omi grželdeba, misi skva kveḱnebši gadat́anis albatoba naḱlebad savarûdó - an ḱovel šemtkvevaši, rogortsëâ čans, asea. Zogërtis azri evroṕaši.
Tsnastsëari tsënobebi, rogortsëâ čans, miutitebs, rom Agûzës t́urist́é indust́râ garḱveultsëlad gamostsërebulâ. Ivnisis bolodan datsëḱebé t́urist́ebis ritsëkvis mat́eba dapiksirda kalak gašagraši, it́ḱobineba Darâ Marâ Ǵeši, aǵilobrivi rest́ornisa da baris bebâs samzareulo zǵvaze-s mplobeli. "iseve ar aris ratsëâ omamde iḱo, magram maintsëâ mḱavs ḱlënt́ebi, romlebitsëâ čems ḱars šemodân da amistvis madlobas vukdi ǵmertsëâ", - ganutsëkada kalbat́onma qešim čvens žurnalist́s.
Ṕiḱuri t́urist́é sezoni ivnisidan agvist́omde grželdeba da gasul tsëlebši Agûzâm kut milionamde t́urist́i mëǵo. Ṕarasḱevs gamokveḱnebé mokseneba ikneba Agûsës eḱonomiḱuri sakmânobis ṕirveli vrtsëli mimokilva Ûḱrainaši omis datsëḱebis šemdeg. Ûmtsëresobis mtavroba, ra tkma ûnda, suntkavs da imedovnebs sasikarulo ambebs, raǵan Nebisḱopas mtavrobis ḱrit́iḱa izrdeba.
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