Didibazari - The Agausian Minister of Health, Social and Labor Protections, T́imote Ḱurani (AS), is facing growing calls for his resignation in recent days. This comes after the only medical facility in the commune of Boržomi was forced to close due to staffing shortages. This marks the second medical facility closure in the Kvišebararis region in recent years.
It is increasingly clear that the country has been facing a healthcare crisis for some years. Both the Agausian healthcare system and the county's healthcare facilities are in desperate need of critical updates. There are also major staffing shortages in all sectors from doctors and nurses to janitorial staff.
In 2013 then prime minister Osḱar Ṕet́opi's (SD) government introduced a series of measures aimed at cutting costs across the government's ministries. This was coupled by laws passed by the parliament. Many of these bills were not singed by then opposition President Eduard Avagâni (AL).
This included a measure which allowed for doctors in small villages and communes to both prescribe and distribute medication. In turn, this allowed for the government to shut down many pharmacies across the country in an effort to cut costs.
Minister Ḱurani has defended the move saying that keeping understaffed facilities raises a considerable threat to public health, and that Agausian taxpayers should not have to shoulder the burden of paying for empty buildings.
Ḱurani's predecessors, under former PM Nebisḱopa (SD), developed a comprehensive schedule for doctors and medical staff to travel around the country to staff small offices in villages and communes. However, Ḱurani, under PM Ermolai (SD), has deemed maneuvers too costly.
The nearly nine hundred residents of Boržomi will now have to travel to the town of Okroр́iriže for medical treatment and to receive prescriptions and medications. The Kvišebararis region's governor Leonard Holubi (AL) expressed his anger at the government's decision. "This government has shown that it does not care about the Agausian people. They would prefer to save mover rather let people receive proper healthcare."
In 2020 a medical facility was forced to close in the commune of Sopi, home about three hundred people. Then PM Aṕolona Nebisḱopa forced the resignation of health minister Mareḱ Ḱovalsḱi (SD). At this time the future of the current health minister is unclear.
(Agausian Translation)
Agûsës žandatsëvis, sotsëâluri da šromis datsëvis minist́ri T́imote Ḱurani (AS), bolo ǵëbši mzardi motsëdebebis tsënaše ǵas misi gadaǵomis šesakeb. Es mokda mas šemdeg, ratsëâ Boržomis ḱomunaši ertaderti sameditsëno datsësebuleba ṕersonalis depitsët́is gamo ižulebé gakda dékura. Es aris meore sameditsëno datsësebulebis dakurva Kvišebararis raionši bolo tsëlebis ganmavlobaši.Sul ûpro tsëkadi kdeba, rom kveḱana ramdenime tsëlâ žandatsëvis ḱrizisis tsënaše ǵas. Rogortsëâ Agûsës žandatsëvis sist́emas, aseve kveḱnis žandatsëvis datsësebulebebs ûimedod sčirdebat ḱrit́iḱé ganaklebebi. Aseve aris ṕersonalis didi depitsët́i ḱvela sekt́orši, ekimebidan da ektnebidan datsëḱebé ṕersonalit damtavrebé.2013 tsëls mašindeli ṕremër minist́ris Osḱar Ṕet́opi's (SD) mtavrobam šemoiǵo mteli rigi ǵonisžëbebi, romlebitsëâ miznad isakavs karžebis šemtsërebas mtavrobis saminist́roebši. Amas ṕarlament́is mër miǵebé ḱanonebi dérto. Am ḱanonṕroekt́ebidan bevri ar iḱo datsërili imdroindeli oṕozitsës ṕrezident́ma Eduard Avagâni (AL).Es moitsëavda ǵonisžëbas, romelitsëâ sašualebas ažlevda ekimebs ṕat́ara soplebsa da ḱomunebši mediḱament́ebis danišvna da gavrtsëleba. Tavis mkriv, aman sašualeba mistsëâ mtavrobas dékura mravali aptâki mteli kveḱnis masšt́abit, karžebis šemtsërebis miznit.Minist́rma Ḱurani daitsëva nabiži da ganatsëkada, rom datsësebulebebis arasaḱmarisi ṕersonalis šenarčuneba mnišvnelovan saprtkes ûkmnis sazogadoebriv žanmrtelobas da rom Agûsël gadasakadis gadamkdelebs tsëarëli šenobebis gadakdis t́virti ar ûnda aiǵot.Ḱurani tsënamorbedebma, ḱopili ṕremër minist́ris Nebisḱopa (SD) dros, šeimušaves ḱovlismomtsëveli ganrigi ekimebisa da sameditsëno ṕersonalistvis, rata gémgzavrnen kveḱnis masšt́abit, rata daḱomṕlekt́des mtsëre opisebi soplebši da ḱomunebši. Tumtsëa, Ḱurani, ṕremër-minist́r Ermolai (SD) dros manevrebi žalân žvirad mëčnâ.Boržomi tsëkraasamde mtsëkovrebs akla mótsëvs kalak Okroр́iriže gamgzavreba samḱurnalod da retsëṕt́ebisa da mediḱament́ebis misaǵebad. kvišebararis regionis gubernat́orma Leonard Holubi (AL) mtavrobis gadatsëḱvet́ilebaze aǵšpoteba gamokat́a. "Am kelisuplebam ačvena, rom ar zrunavs Agûsël kalkze. Mat amžobines gadarčena, vidre kalks mëtsës satanado žandatsëva."2020 tsëls ižulebé gakda dékura sameditsëno datsësebuleba Sopis ḱomunaši, sadatsëâ daakloebit samasi adamâni tsëkovrobs. Mašin ṕremër-minist́rma Aṕolona Nebisḱopa aižula gadamǵariḱo žandatsëvis minist́ri Mareḱ Ḱovalsḱi (SD). Am droistvis gûrḱvevelâ mokmedi žandatsëvis minist́ris momavali.
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