Thursday, January 5, 2023

Justice T́anševi to retire at end of January

Author: Ǵmova Dalbraze  

Tamara - Supreme Administrative Court Justice Evgeni T́anševi confirmed today that he will be retiring at the end of the month, after serving on the nation's highest court for just over three years. His retirement was no surprise as he was reaching the end of his tenure. In Agausia judges have a mandatory retiring age of seventy-five, or seventy-eight if they wish to extend. T́anševi will be seventy-five years old at the end of the month and wished not to extend his tenure. 

Justice T́anševi, who was nominated to the Court by President Simon Aioviḱara in 2019, has been a pivotal member of the Court during his tenure. He has written numerous opinions on issues ranging from property tax and campaign finance to civil rights and education. 

"It has been an honor and a privilege to serve on the in the Agausian court system for the past twenty-two years and even more grateful for my ability to serve in the Supreme Administrative Court," Justice T́anševi said in a statement. "I am grateful for the opportunity to have made a meaningful contribution to the legal landscape of our country, and I am confident that the Court will continue to serve as a beacon of justice and fairness for generations to come." 

The confirmation of Justice T́anševi's retirement has already sparked speculation about who will be nominated to fill his seat. President Aioviḱara is expected to nominate a replacement when parliament resumes in February. This will be the fifth supreme justice that Aioviḱara has appointed to one of Agausia's three supreme courts. 

 Justice T́anševi 's colleagues on the Court praised him for his dedication to the law and his commitment to fairness. Chief Justice Niḱo Ḱvet́ḱovi said that Justice T́anševi will be greatly missed, and that his "wise and thoughtful decisions have left a lasting impact on the law of our nation."
  (Agausian Translation) 

Ûzenési administ́ratsëâ sasamartlos mosamartlem Evgeni T́anševi ǵes daadast́ura, rom is gadaǵeba ṕensâze tvis bolos, kveḱnis ûmaǵles sasamartloši 3 tsëlze met́i knis ganmavlobaši mušaobis šemdeg. Misi ṕensâze gasvla ar iḱo gasaḱviri, raǵan is miuaklovda tavisi ûplebamosilebis dasasruls. Agûzâši mosamartlëbs akvt savaldebulo saṕensio asaḱi samotsëdatkutmet́i, an samotsëdatvramet́i, tu mat surt gakangržliveba. T́anševi tvis bolos samotsëdatkutmet́i tsëlis gakdeba da surda ar gégrželebina ûplebamosileba.

Mosamartle T́anševi, romelitsëâ sasamartloši tsëaraǵina ṕrezident́ma Simon Aioviḱara 2019 tsëls, iḱo sasamartlos mtavari tsëvri misi moǵvatsëobis ṕeriodši. Mas mravali mosazreba akvs datsërili konebis gadasakhadidan da ḱamṕanës dapinansebidan samokalako ûplebebisa da ganatlebis saḱitkebze. 

„Ṕat́ivi da ṕrivilegâ iḱo Agûsës sasamartlo sist́emaši msakureba gasé otsëdaori tsëlis ganmavlobaši da ḱidev ûpro madlobeli var ûzenés administ́ratsëâ sasamartloši msakurebis šesažleblobistvis“, - tkva mosamartle T́anševim gantsëkadebaši. „Madlobeli var im šesažleblobistvis, rom ševit́ano mnišvnelovani tsëvlili čveni kveḱnis samartlebriv da dartsëmunebé var, rom sasamartlo gaagrželebs samartlânobisa da samartlânobis šukuras momavali taobebistvis.

Iust́itsës T́anševi ṕensâze tsëasvlis dadast́urebam ûḱve gamoitsëvâ sṕeḱulatsëbi imis šesakeb, tu vin ikneba tsëarǵenili misi aǵilis dasaḱaveblad. Ṕrezident́i Aioviḱara, savarûdod, tsëaraǵens šemtsëvlels, rodesatsëâ ṕarlament́i ganaaklebs tebervalši. Es ikneba mekute ûmaǵlesi martlmsažuleba, romelitsëâ aioviharam danišna agûzës sami ûzenési sasamartlodan ert-ertsëâ.

Mosamartle T́anševi sasamartlos ḱolegebma šeako igi ḱanonisadmi ertgulebistvis da samartlânobisadmi ertgulebistvis. Mtavarma mosamartlem Niḱo Ḱvet́ḱovi tkva, rom martlmsažuleba T́anševi didad gamot́ovebs da rom misma „bržnulma da gaazrebulma gadatsëḱvet́ilebebma didi gavlena mókdina čveni eris ḱanonebze“.

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