Tamara - Agausian members of parliament have had an extremely busy first week as the rush to the capital got underway before Monday's inauguration of Agausia's eleventh session of parliament. President Aioviḱara, working in his official capacity, called in the new session of parliament after each of the one-hundred-forty-five members took their official oaths of office.
The president also gave a short speech outlining his legislative goals and initiatives for the future of the nation. Aioviḱara said that his government will focus on economic growth, job creation, and improvements to the country's infrastructure. The President is expected to outline his vision for the future and the steps that the newly appointed government will take to achieve its goals sometime in late February or early March.
During the first hours of the parliament, MPs voted in Agausia's eighth prime minister, Mišḱo Ermolai, and his cabinet. The coalition government, led by the Social Democrats, Farmers' and Greens' Union, United Alliance, and the New Socialists, will now be tasked with leading both the country's parliament and government ministries. Other important appointments were also confirmed including, to the nation's national bank, prosecutor general's office and chief justices to Agausia's three superior courts.
With the appointment of Mišḱo Ermolai as PM and Maḱsim Ṕanossi as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Integration, two special elections will need to be held to fill their now vacant seats. Both elections are scheduled for March 8, and both seats will likely be filled by Social Democratic candidates as both districts are strongholds for the party.
The New Center-Left Coalition (MTAK) have a long list of legislative emergencies and priorities to attend to. They must solve the nation's housing crisis, lower inflation, improve wage growth in the country, fight corruption and much more. Adding to the list of woes is the ever-present war in Ukraine and regional instability in the Caucuses.
Agausians have not seen a coalition government since 2010, and many are skeptical of the new government's capability to work together. The last time the United Alliance and the New Socialists were in a coalition together, their relationship was mired in ideological arguments which impacted the effectiveness of their tenure. A poll conducted on Wednesday found that only about forty percent of Agausians believe that the new coalition will last all four years and that the session will be effective in improving the country.
(Agausian Translation)
Agûsës ṕarlament́is tsëvrebs žalân dat́virtuli ṕirveli ḱvira hkondat, raǵan dedakalakisḱen stsërapva oršabatsëâ agûzis ṕarlament́is metertmet́e sesës inûguratsëamde daitsëḱo. Ṕrezident́ma Aioviḱara, romelitsëâ mušaobda opitsëalurad, moitsëvâ ṕarlament́is akali skdoma mas šemdeg, ratsëâ as ormotsëdakutma tsëvrma opitsëaluri pitsëâ dado.
Ṕrezident́ma aseve moḱle sit́ḱvit gamótsëkada tavisi saḱanonmdeblo miznebi da initsëat́ivebi eris momavlistvis. Aioviḱara tkva, rom misi mtavroba ḱuraǵebas gaamakvilebs eḱonomiḱur zrdaze, samušao aǵilebis šekmnasa da kveḱnis inprast́rukt́uris gûmžobesebaze. Ṕrezident́i savarûdod tebervlis bolos an mart́is dasatsëḱisši dasakavs tavis kedvas da im nabižebs, romlebsatsëâ aklad danišnuli mtavroba gadaǵams miznebis misaǵtsëvad.
Ṕarlament́is mušaobis ṕirvel saatebši deṕut́at́ebma kma mistsës Agûzës merve ṕremër minist́rs, Mišḱo Ermolai da mis ḱabinetsëâ. Ḱólitsëâ mtavrobas, romelsatsëâ kelmžǵvaneloben Sotsëal-Demoḱrat́ebi, Permerta da Mtsëvaneta ḱavširi, Gértânebé Alânsi da Akali Sotsëalist́ebi, akla dévaleba kelmžǵvanelobdes rogortsëâ kveḱnis ṕarlament́s, aseve samtavrobo saminist́roebs. Aseve dadast́urda skva mnišvnelovani danišvnebi, mat šoris, kveḱnis erovnul banḱši, generalur ṕroḱurat́uraši da Agûzës sami ûmaǵlesi sasamartlos mtavar mosamartlëbši.
Mišḱo Ermolai ṕremër-minist́rad da Maḱsim Ṕanossi sagareo sakmeta da int́egratsës minist́rad danišvnit, mati akla vaḱant́uri aǵilebis šesavsebad ori sagangebo arčevnebi ikneba sačiro. Orive arčevnebi 8 martsëâ aris dagegmili da orive aǵili savarûdod sotsëal-demoḱrat́i ḱandidat́ebit daiḱaveben, raǵan orive olki ṕart́ës dasaḱrdenâ.
Memartsëkene Tsënt́ris Akal ḱólitsëâs akvs saḱanonmdeblo gadûdebeli šemtkvevebisa da ṕriorit́et́ebis grželi sâ, romelsatsëâ ûnda moeḱidos. Mat ûnda mógvaron kveḱnis sabinao ḱrizisi, šeamtsëron inplatsëâ, gaûmžobeson kelpasebis zrda kveḱanaši, ebržolon ḱoruptsëâ da mravali skva. Ûbedurebata sâs emat́eba Ûḱrainaši mudmivi omi da regioné arast́abiluroba ḱavḱasâši.Agûselebs ḱólitsëiuri mtavroba 2010 tsëlis šemdeg ar ûnakavt da bevri sḱeṕt́iḱurad ûḱurebs akali mtavrobis ertad mušaobis šesažleblobebs. Bolo dros, rodesatsëâ Gértânebé Alânsi da Akali Sotsëalist́ebi ertad iḱvnen ḱólitsëaši, mati ûrtërtoba ideologiur argument́ebši iḱo čaplé, ramatsëâ gavlena mókdina mati mušaobis epekt́urobaze. Otkšabatsëâ čat́arebulma gamoḱitkvam ačvena, rom agûselebis mkolod ormotsëâ ṕrotsënt́s sžera, rom akali ḱólitsëâ gagrželdeba otki tsëlis ganmavlobaši da rom skdoma epekt́uri ikneba kveḱnis gasûmžobeseblad.
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